Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Post Drop

Sorry is heard all to often. So here are some sketches that i haven't posted, done a while ago, but no time to the time is now. Hope you like. No more promises, I promise : )

These images are for a story that I was gonna work on, but due to conflict of scheduling and overall direction it never came to pass.


Tony said...

Glad to see your still kicking around the pencil and paper, chief. Too bad about the story...

LafeSpace said...

Thanks Tony.

michael foster said...

woohoo! new sketches from Lafe. wow the sketches for the story are great.

LafeSpace said...

Thanks Michael always a compliment coming from a great designer/artist as yourself.

Jamal O said...

great stuff. Dig the sketch of the guy with the braids.

LafeSpace said...

Thanks man.. much appreciated.